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Get World Class Athleticism With The Nordic Hamstring Exercise

Updated: Jun 16

What is a Nordic curl?

To perform a Nordic curl just start on your knees with your feet securely held in place. From there, lower your chest towards the floor, making sure you keep your upper body straight. Once your chest touches the floor use your glutes and your hamstring strength to finish the Nordic, lifting yourself back to the starting position.


KneesOverToesGuy perfect Nordic Curl demonstration


How does a Nordic curl exercise increase my hamstring strength?

Firstly, I have a blog on hamstring strength and the miracles that Nordics can do for you, just CLICK HERE.

If you just want a quick overview of how a Nordic curl exercise impacts your hamstring strength, then it is worth noting that it may be the hardest bodyweight movement there is (if you can do one then you have bragging rights over the mate who can do a muscle up). It targets the hamstrings eccentrically to increase your sprint ability and jump height- go find a top level sprinter or jumper they are most likely training Nordics. An athletes ability to do a Nordic curl exercise is the biggest common denominator for athletic ability (such as sprinting and jumping).

Just give Nordics a try and you will soon see that there is no other exercise which you feel the same kind of contraction with. The pain and specific focus on your hamstrings is insane. If you are inexperienced at these and give them a try you'll soon see why you are getting injured, can't sprint like the pros and can't dunk.


How long will it take me to learn to do a Nordic curl exercise?

The famous 'KneesOverToesGuy' (Ben Patrick) took 2.5 years to learn how to do a Nordic curl and he has some of the best knees and hamstrings in the world. Some programs claim to be able to get you to do a Nordic in just 12 weeks.

The best program for this would be the 'ATG program' from Ben Patrick, he has set out to help people to do the Nordic curl exercise as fast and efficiently as possible, the program also helps with all things to do with developing elite level athletic power, mobility and knee health.

Want to know more? Click the link here and use the code ATG50 for 50% off your first month.


What is the best equipment for a Nordic curl exercise?

Obviously, you need something to hold your ankles in place in order to use Nordic curls to increase you hamstring strength. Here are the best pieces of equipment which can help you in your journey to world class hamstring strength from the Nordic curl exercise.


The ATG Family Nordic Bench

Now this is the ultimate piece of equipment for the Nordic hamstring exercise, you definitely will not find any of these at even the top level gyms. This Nordic bench is adjustable and has 8 levels of regression (40°, 35°, 30°, 25°, 20°, 15°, 10°, 0°) to slowly help you build up to being able to completes a full Nordic exercise to give you world class hamstrings.

ATG nordic bench


  • Eight levels of regression (40°, 35°, 30°, 25°, 20°, 15°, 10°, 0°)

  • Adjustable ankle pad

  • Laser-cut nickel chrome gun rack with stainless steel pin

  • Includes wheels for convenient portability 

  • Ships fully assembled minus the wheel kit

  • Heavy-duty 11 gauge steel construction with durable powder coat finish

For 10% off use code: GLHdiscount

£360.00 From ATG:


Viking Strength Nordic Bar Attachment.

This is a great option to perform your Nordics nearly anywhere and to keep your feet firmly in place. Great price as well. This can definitely be a piece of equipment which gets your to the point of perfecting the Nordic hamstring exercise.

Nordic curl attachment
Nordic curl attachment

 £22.99 From Amazon:


TopFinder Nordic Curl Strap.

This option is great because you can take it basically anywhere with you and it works so well in so many obscure places. The Nordic exercise may not always be the most convenient but with this tool your hamstrings will thank you.

Nordic curl strap
Nordic curl strap

£17.99 From Amazon:


What if I don't want to buy anything?

If you do not want to spend any money in your journey to increasing your hamstring strength with Nordic curls then you can definitely get by for sure. But you will need one of the follow:

  • A partner to hold your legs down

  • A weighted barber to stick your feet under

  • Use a car to hold your feet and a yoga matt to have your knees resting on

  • Smith machine and a bench

Either way, whether you get by for free or invest in something to assist your Nordic curl exercises, hopefully now you know it is time to start to learn Nordics to take your performance to the next level.


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